When we see something in the media that we disagree with we should be loud about it and make sure the media hear us. Especially when standing up to the ridiculous standards portrayed by the media over and over about female body image. I wanted to share with you my letter to The Times Magazine on their article regarding ‘Strong not Skinny’. The Times journalists seemed to be trying to do the right thing but they got it so very wrong.
Dear Editor
After reading your article in The Times Magazine last weekend, I felt the need to speak up.
As a female, I would like to say I was outraged at how you promoted ‘Strong Not Skinny’ and the constant reference to how woman should look?! I am a Personal Trainer and former Professional Dancer who has been exposed to eating disorders, confidence issues and obsessive exercise habits my whole life. It upsets me that you are highlighting competitions like UKBFF and the horrendously unhealthy nutritional regime that comes with the ‘sport’. Physique modelling takes the body to a dangerous limit.
I train my clients, male and female by lifting heavy to be strong for life. Matt Roberts’s advice should not be advised to an average member of the public. This programme should be supervised by a fitness instructor. On partaking this programme alone, injury to the body physically and mentally is almost certain – in my experience. We have to remember that around 64% of the population are overweight.
Your article is outlining unhealthy ways to achieve an unhealthy physique. To then end by insinuating it is seemingly ‘ok’ to take steroids is simply unacceptable.
I constantly try to build my clients up not to think they have to look a certain way, but to feel healthy and happy. I am very much behind the ‘this girl can’ campaign because it promotes woman to inspire to do anything they want. It’s not at all focused on woman’s physique, but their inner strength to achieve anything they put their minds to.
Who are we to tell ANYONE what they should look like?
Grace Turner, Personal Trainer, Woman

#questionit #fitnesswithgrace